Normal Breasts Gallery, part B
Women who have been pregnant

These pictures include women of Anglo-/Teutonic European, Semitic, N. Mediterranean, and N. East Asian, Native American, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and mixed descent who come from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. The main point is: there is enormous variation in what is normal. Sizes and shapes vary enormously. So don't worry, ladies!

Disclaimer: Some stories below are very frank and may mention various kinds of events and difficulties in people's lives (e.g. anorexia). does not necessarily endorse everything that is depicted in the stories/pictures.

Gallery, Part C

The Power of Pornography

The following video goes into detail about a very important reason why PORNOGRAPHY exists and why it has so much power over people who get addicted to it. This reason is different from what most people think is behind the rise of porn, and in fact, may somewhat shock you. But — if you suffer from porn addiction and want help, you deserve to know this!

The message of the video goes along with the thoughts explained in other parts of this site — such as how keeping breasts as a taboo actually CAUSES guys to become extremely curious, which then fuels sexual fantasies and can develop into an actual obsession towards female breasts.


Visitor comments

We also have a few photos of Surgically altered breasts